Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Straight Pride NYC - August 2008 - B. There.

STRAIGHT PRIDE--It’s about damn time! Thank you NY!!!

There are reasons NYC is home to one of the most sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and enlightened populations on planet earth today. Below is only one of them. And while I won't rehash all I've said in these blogs over time again, I will say that I am changing ALL my plans to head to New York for Labor Day this year. You should too. Here's why: (Reposted: Yardflex.com)

July 12, 2008

Heterosexual Pride to be celebrated in New York

A Straight Pride Parade will roll out on August 31, 2008 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, just one day ahead of the annual Caribbean Labor Day Parade.

In a press release sent out recently by members of the reggae community, who have organized this event as a response to gay groups coming down hard on some dancehall music; the parade was justified as being, "...a chance for Heterosexuals to gather together and proudly embrace their sexuality. The Parade will also allow reggae and dancehall fans who are in New York City for the Labor Day celebrations to get together and celebrate reggae, dancehall and family in love and unity. Adults are encouraged to bring their children along for the celebrations, as the event will be family oriented."

Not only have gay groups launched massive global advocacies against what they call reggae's long history of gay intolerance, they have also been successful in hitting artists hard, in the pocket, by pushing for show cancellations. Their aim is reportedly to stop reggae and dancehall artists from promoting anti-gay violence, harassment and bigotry through lyrics.

The release said further: "Gay friends and gay relatives must be left at home or worse kept in the closet."

Posted by yardFlex at July 12, 2008 01:57 PM

Now there is a template...let's take a page from NY's book and take this thing global. The culture I was raised on and still embrace deserves at least as much. Hope to see you in NY...B. There. If you Care.


For the record, let me just say that I never said gays don't have the right to be gay. All I'm saying is they definitely don't have the right to try and impose their will on everyone else. They definitely don't have the right to attempt to try and GLOBALLY discredit another culture, just because they disagree with its precepts, nor should they be given reign to unjustly and viciously smear reggae artists unfairly for practicing their inspired craft.
Agree? Disagree?
Speak on it then.

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